Albert Einstein – Theoretical physicist

 Is there anyone who does not know the word nuclear? …. In the war between the United States and Japan in 1945, on August 6 of that year, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. Within the next three days, another atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.The resulting loss of life is unparalleled. We are now going to look at the inventor of the atomic principle of relativity to create such an atom. Who do you think he is? … He is Albert Einstein.Einstein was the man who laid the foundations for various discoveries in many fields of world history. He was a lover of peace.How many days have you been crying that sinful man Anta made this crazy invention? Well let’s see about our grandfather.

Albert Einstein The son of Hermann Einstein and Pauline Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany. Einstein was a student at the school.He always seemed to have a deep thought for something. He was found to be uninterested in the school class. Thus, he was seen as a student who was disliked by the teachers in school.Pythagoras studied theory and calculus alone, which at that age seemed very difficult to understand.He explained it better. Once he lay down on the bed in a heavy voice. Then, his father, Hermann Einstein, gave him a compass.The event is considered to be the turning point in Einstein’s life. Whichever way Einstein took the navigator, it showed the same page.This surprised him. He began to think about it.He thought that the navigator was always influenced by an object from the outside to show the same side.But he was amazed that everything outside was empty. He was always deep in thought towards that directional North Pole.This was the forerunner of his later interest in science. His childhood began to go on.In the meantime, due to the loss of his father’s business, his family moved from Munich in 1894 to Pavia, near Milan, Italy.However he stayed in Munich to finish school.Reluctant to complete his schooling alone, he returned to Internet Pavia with his family after finishing only a few years.He was then sent to Switzerland to complete his schooling. He completed his schooling in 1896. He was more interested in words than words.

Einstein wondered what to study next. Then the engineer Einstein’s father, Herman Einstein, wanted to make him an engineer like himself.However, Einstein became more interested in physics and mathematics. He thought that all the laws of nature should be explained by a single theory.He believed that only he could solve the mysteries of the universe.However, at the request of his father, he wrote an exam in 1896 to join the Swiss Confederation of Polytechnics in Zurich, Switzerland, but failed.Later, he passed the exam the following year and joined the university. During this time he lost his German citizenship and became stateless.Einstein fell in love with a Serbian woman named Mileva Maric, with whom he studied. University law plans did not suit Einstein.So he spent most of his class time under the tree. In 1900, he completed his university studies.Due to not going to classes properly, he was able to get low marks in the exams. As a result, he could not get a job anywhere.During this time he became very active in his life.He felt very sorry for himself as he was living an empty life without helping anything.Hating life, he wrote a letter to his father, Herman.In it he wrote, ‘It would have been better if I had not been born.’The father, who could not bear to see his son regret his unemployment, sought work for Einstein, but to no avail.At this time Einstein’s father Herman Einstein passed away.This tragedy along with increased his hatred on his life.Then, in 1902, through the father of a friend, he joined the Swiss government patent office as a technical assistant.He thought that this work would not help anything. However, this work was the great foundation of his research.That is, many scientific researchers and students applied for patents for their discoveries. Einstein was given the responsibility of selecting the eligible ones from those applications and sending them to superiors.Accordingly, he carefully considered the applications that came in daily and the studies that were attached to it. His interest in science and his experience as a physics student made this job easy for him.Thus, he increased his scientific knowledge. On January 6, 1903, he married his girlfriend, Mileva Marik, and they had two children, Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard.

Einstein imagined his scientific ideas as imagery. In his spare time, he focused only on the sky. Some of his research turned the world of science upside down.1905 was the most important year of Einstein’s life.The 4 studies he discovered that year turned many scientists’ beliefs about the universe into falsehoods.The first study revealed that light did not just travel in waves, but that it contained photons.This photovoltaic effect he discovered formed the basis of today’s phantom physics.Later, based on Brownie’s motion, he discovered that all matter has an atom, the smallest invisible atom.He also laid down the theory of measuring it.He did not stop there and the relativity principle of the E = mc * c (E = mc2) equivalent energy equation made him the grandfather of the scientific world.He explained that mass and energy are interrelated and that there is an unimaginable amount of energy within a mass that is small in size.Einstein said that when everything is at rest or in motion it has a significant power.His equation E = mc * c (E = mc2) formed the basis for many scientific discoveries, such as the disintegration of the atom and the production of electricity by it.At the time of making these discoveries his age was 26.E = mc * c (E = mc2) based on this equation he explained the answer to many mysteries of the universe.

Einstein called Isaac Newton’s discovery a lie and was opposed by many scientists.He then amazed the scientific world with his special pro-policy. He noticed a clock in the distance as he boarded a bus. At that moment he had a thought. That is, he imagined that the bus we were going was going at the speed of light.He then realized that we could get there before the pin of the clock moved.Later, he developed a special theory of (Theory of Relativity).1921 – The Nobel Prize Committee wants to award him the Nobel Prize in Physics.At the time, however, there was disagreement among many scientists about his theory of relativity.Some even opposed it.As a result, he was awarded the Nobel Prize only for his invention of the photoelectric effect.Two years ago, in 1919, Einstein and Mileva Marik were divorced.That is, the mind of Mileva Marik, who had children, changed over time.Einstein wanted solitude. This may have been due to the fact that he devoted his time only to his discoveries.Later, Einstein wanted a companion and married his niece Elsa. Elsa soon passed away.Einstein was deeply saddened by the death of his fianc, Marik, and the death of his niece, Elsa.Thus he decided to continue his life in solitude. He wanted to go and live in Germany.There, however, Hitler was dismayed to see the Jews treated as inferior and enslaved.After that, he did not go there. Thus, he began to live his life in the United States.

1939 – Einstein writes a letter to Roosevelt, then President of the United States, along with other scientific geniuses, on wartime defense.In it, he noted that Germany, under Hitler’s rule, had the capability to build a nuclear bomb with an atom. However, that changed Roosevelt’s thinking.Roosevelt began to develop a nuclear weapon. Roosevelt sought Einstein’s help. Einstein initially denied it.Later, he assisted in the development of a nuclear weapon for security reasons.However, Einstein openly stated his opposition to the war, leaving him isolated among many researchers.1955 – He was hospitalized due to excessive abdominal bleeding. He had to undergo surgery to survive.However, Einstein denied this. He did not want to prolong his life by artificial means.Einstein told us to burn his body without anyone knowing after he died.

Albert Einstein disappeared from the world on April 18, 1955. Thomas Harvey, a physician who went to examine his body, stole Einstein’s brain.Thomas said he stole Einstein’s brain to do research.Thomas, who has been researching the outside world for several days, said some of the cells in men’s brains are more abundant in Einstein’s brain.This, he said, would be the reason for Einstein’s knowledge.Thomas asked Einstein to cut his brain into small pieces and send it to various researchers for research.Einstein was the pioneer of the modern world.Einstein achieved his lofty goal as he worked hard with the goal of subjugating the scientific world.In the same way, if we love our goal and make the necessary effort to achieve it, we can easily reach our goal.

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